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Seismic Retrofitting

1 hCustomer's Place

Service Description

During an earthquake, the strength of a home is put to the test. Ground forces try to tear the home apart and in many cases, cause severe damage. If you live in an area prone to earthquakes, it’s important that the structural frame of your home is strong enough to absorb an earthquake’s energy. Fortunately, advances in structural engineering, lessons learned from past earthquakes and research performed by the scientific community have paved the way for the development of new construction techniques that better equip homes to withstand an earthquake. Local and regional building codes now require all new homes to meet these higher construction and safety standards; however, many existing homes were constructed prior to the development of these newer code requirements, a retrofit may be necessary to increase structural safety. A retrofit adds bracing and reinforcement to strengthen the critical connections within a home. A home that has been retrofitted is able to resist much greater earthquake forces and has a lower risk of being damaged. At MOKA Construction we design cost effective and practical seismic retrofitting plans, from simplest to the most complex projects. We are proud to provide our clients a very communicative team to walk them through the project and improve their building's structural safety and performance during an earthquake.

Contact Details


3315 Montgomery Drive unit 312, Santa Clara, CA, USA

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