ADUs are small separate living spaces, that can be attached or detached from a single-family home, and adds lower cost great private living space to a home.
There are many benefits to build an ADU on your property, including:
Adding to your property value with lower budget
More living space in an existing home, while offers privacy
Provides space to work from home
Keeps guests close and offers privacy for both parties
Provides great space to take care of aging parents, and still provide them privacy and independent lifestyle
Saves money on rent in an expensive market
Gives great cash flow by renting it out for short-term rentals
Here are some quick tips on Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs) and State of California ADU regulations:
In a residential or mixed-use zone, California State Law allows you to build up to one ADU and one Jr. ADU if there are adequate water and sewage services.
An ADU may be attached or detached from the primary residence. A Jr. ADU must be attached.
An ADU must have its own living, sleeping, eating, cooking, and sanitation facilities, including a full kitchen and bathroom.
A Junior ADU (Jr. ADU) is no more than 500 square feet and must be contained entirely within a single-family residence. It must have a separate entrance and an efficiency kitchen but may share a bathroom with primary dwelling.
ADUs may be built up to 1200 square feet.
Attached ADUs can never be more than 50% of the primary dwelling size except to allow for a minimum size of 800 square feet.
ADUs may be up to 16 feet in height, although taller structures allowed if they meet residential setback requirements.
Under California State Law, deed restrictions and HOA rules that ban ADUs are void.
To get started, you must apply for ministerial planning approval and building permits.
At MOKA Construction, our dedicated engineering team can help you with custom designed ADU from designing to permitting to construction, hassle free.